LifeSmiles Dentistry

Prevent Teeth Grinding With These Tips

Nighttime teeth grinding is quite common among adults with many not even knowing when it’s happening. Also known as bruxism, this unwanted habit has the potential to lead to jaw problems, headaches, broken teeth, and more if not treated by our Cadillac, MI, dentists first.

5 Ways to Take Care of Your Dental Implants

When looked after properly, dental implants can last a lifetime. If you’ve recently received one or more of these natural-looking restorations, you too can enjoy them for years to come if you focus on your oral hygiene. Our Cadillac dental implant dentists can help you do just that in our office alongside an at-home routine. Here are 5 ways you can prioritize the care of your dental implants.

Keep These 4 Things About Veneers in Mind

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to change how your teeth look. In fact, our Cadillac, MI, cosmetic dentists are here to provide the support and resources you need should you decide to pursue a transformative procedure like porcelain veneers. Prior to reaching that decision, however, it’s important to consider a few key details.

How Do I Know if My Toothache Is Serious?

Dealing with tooth pain in any form is not fun. It can ruin your day and make it hard to focus on anything but the discomfort. Tooth pain is also something you shouldn't ignore or you risk more in-depth, restorative treatment from our Cadillac emergency dentists.

Which Type of Toothbrush Is Best?

A good toothbrush needs to be easy to use, comfortable to hold, and capable of removing leftover plaque from your teeth. When presented with options at the store, most people will just grab whichever toothbrush looks decent and go on their way.

4 Easy Ways to Adjust to New Dentures

When dental implants aren’t for you, it’s only fitting that full or partial dentures be the next best option. Our Cadillac, MI, dentists have helped many individuals looking for a solution to missing teeth find confidence once again with dentures.

Your Questions About Invisalign® Answered

Most people have heard about Invisalign® clear aligners, but they’re not aware of the finer details like treatment length, what it takes to be a candidate, or what our Cadillac Invisalign dentists recommend once your teeth are straight.

3 Signs You’ll Benefit From Teeth Whitening

Have you been toying with the idea of whiter teeth, but you’re not sure whether it’s right for you? Our Cadillac cosmetic dentists have helped countless people brighten their smile

What Causes Bad Smelling Breath?

Bad breath is so widespread that it affects about 1 in 4 people around the world. While the most common cause is a lack of oral hygiene, there can be other factors at play. Because of this, our Cadillac dentists are committed to helping you determine why your breath is less than stellar.