We don’t always plan for the surprises in life, especially those of the dental variety. But when you have an extremely painful tooth or worse, one that’s been knocked out, you deserve immediate relief. Our Cadillac dentists can treat your dental emergency soon after it happens so you don’t have to suffer for long.

Dentist Cadillac Mi Dental Emergencies

What Is a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies typically involve some form of trauma to the teeth, gums, or jaw. It is critical that you do not delay treatment and seek professional help following your injury. Other instances, while inconvenient, do not always qualify as an emergency. Those include a lost filling, chipped veneer, or a damaged dental appliance.

Examples of urgent dental emergencies include:

  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Broken or cracked tooth
  • Severe toothache
  • Dental abscess (pocket of infection in gums)
  • Bitten lip or tongue that won’t stop bleeding

Quick At-Home Tips While You Wait

It is critical that you act fast immediately following oral trauma. Before you arrive at our Cadillac dental practice for treatment, here are a few things you can do for some of the most common dental emergencies.

Knocked- Out Tooth:

  1. Pick the tooth up by the crown (top), not the roots.
  2. Gently rinse off any dirt or other debris.
  3. If possible, face the tooth the right way, then try to put the tooth back into the socket so it doesn’t dry out.
  4. If the tooth can’t be put back in, place it between your cheek and gum or submerge it in a glass of milk.
  5. Call our dental office as soon as possible.

Broken or Cracked Tooth:

  1. Save all pieces of broken tooth if possible.
  2. Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  3. Apply a cold compress to your face to reduce swelling.
  4. Call our office as soon as possible.

Severe Toothache:

  1. Rinse your mouth with warm water and use floss to try and remove any stuck food or debris.
  2. For swelling, place a cold compress on the outside of your mouth or cheek.
  3. Take a recommended dose of over-the-counter pain medication. Do not put the medication against the gums near the tooth as this could result in gum tissue burns.
  4. Call our dental office as soon as possible.

Make Your Oral Health a Priority

When a dental emergency occurs, the fear and shock can be overwhelming. However, it’s important that you not let those emotions deter you from seeing our emergency dentists in Cadillac, MI, and getting the oral care you deserve. Call LifeSmiles Dentistry today at (231) 775-8281 today to request an appointment.